Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Days 48-53 -- Livingstone and Victoria Falls

We left Malawi on route to Zambia, spending a night in Lusaka, the capital city. Since Zanzibar we've had a lot of ground to cover so we've spent 8-10 hours on the truck everyday...luckily for the Ipod dock and library on board or else I may have gone crazy. Anyways, we arrived to Livingstone, adventure capital for Africa. Spending 4 nights here so it was a good feeling to set up the tent and know it wasn't coming down in the morning. Here I found out that I would be the only one on my truck headed to the Okavanga Delta so they allowed me to switch to another truck going through Kruger ending in Jburg. Our campsite in Livingstone was right on the Zambezi and offerred all sorts of adventure activities...minutes away from the Falls. Our visit to the Falls was on a cloudy day, but the size of the curtain of falling water was crazy. Never been to Niagra so nothing to compare it to, but very impressive. The first day, a few of us did the Livingstone Island tour...took a boat over to Livingstone Island at the top of Victoria Falls. The Falls were spectacular and we had an opportunity to swim at the top, less than 20 meters from the where the water goes over the edge. After much pressure, we convinced the guides to take us to Devil's Pool right on the edge of the Falls. AMAZING!! You have to see the pictures...the pool is literally right on the edge of the falls and you can lean up against a rock wall to prevent you from being swept over. A quick Google of Devil's Pool at Victoria Falls will show you what I mean.

That night we did a booze cruise since a few others were leaving the group. After the cruise we spent the night in the dance hut... The next morning, eyes still half-shut, had to get up early for a full day of whitewater rafting. The Zambezi offers Grade 5 rapids and we were lucky to have our entire group of 8 share a boat with a good guide. We flipped a few times, I was thrown in a few more, instantly waking me up from the night before. These were some intense rapids and according to locals we rafted one of the top 5 sites in the world! The last day we had planned to do the bungee, but all these activities were taking a toll on the budget so I passed. The highest bungee in the world is just outside of Cape Town so I think I'll plan to save my money for that one.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dying to see some more pictures, been following along but there hasn't been many updates of late, get back on it! Also make sure to post a few of some Great Whites.