Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Days 201-207 -- Kuta, Bali

Back to Kuta since my brother had to take off. We hit up all of our usual spots and did some last minute shopping before it was time for him to take off. Becca/Jacob, the couple from Lousiana also took off to Australia on the same day for their work holiday. After spending soo long in the Gilis I realized I'm not the biggest fan of Kuta....although the city and party is nice, the beaches are overcrowded, water not so clear and overall its just really touristy...Anyways, once my brother left, Eric (Manager from HK office) arrived for the weekend. Since he only had 4 days we couldn't venture too far so we stayed in the area. It was a fun weekend, ran into a handful of people that I met in the Gilis and we basically enjoyed Kuta for what it had to offer. Rented surfboards one afternoon and enjoyed the beaches on most days even though there were about a million other people on them. A few long nights out as well at Embargo, Bounty, Paddy's and some place I don't remember the names of. We stayed at New Arena which was basically little Scandanavia...the hotel might as well be located in Sweden since we were definitely the only room that wasn't Swedish. Lots of Scandanavians all over Bali...I guess its where they go to escape the cold of their country.

Anyways, had planned to stay in Indonesia once he took off, but after getting burned out in Kuta I decided it was time to take a break from the booze and head to Malaysia...I had heard that the Perhentian Islands had some amazing diving and know from experience that its expensive to go out so sounded like a perfect place to go detox for a week before leaving SE Asia.

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