Friday, June 5, 2009

Days 223-224 - Bangkok to Delhi

Time to the leave the islands and make my towards Bangkok to catch a flight to India. Took a ferry from Koh Phangan to the mainland then a night bus to Bangkok. Only 6 people on my bus and being pretty exhausted I crashed once I hit in my seat. Not so lucky for me since somehow somebody opened my bag and snatched some cash and a card...I must have been out cold. Anyways, I noticed early in the morning when we got into Bangkok so was able to cancel everything immediately and more importantly they didnt take my passport. Arrived into Bangkok at about 4:30am and got a room for the day just near Khao San Road. Spent the day doing last minute things like laundry, research on India and picking up some souveneirs since I hadn't done much shopping in all of SE Asia. Ran into some people on Khao San that I met in Perhentian and we had a few beers before I had to take off for the changing my flight this week.

About 8pm I jumped in the shuttle for my midnight flight. Not a fun day of flying ahead since to get to Delhi I had to connect in London, damn British Airways. Airport staff had fun with that asking me why I chose to do a 24 hour journey when Delhi is only 4 hours I really wanted to do that! First flight was easy, slept most of the way and towards the end I got up and watched Ferris Beuller's Day Off. Landed in London and had a few hours to kill before heading in the right direction back towards India. Second flight was good, had a few Carlsbergs and watched a handful of episodes of 30 Rock before arriving in Delhi near midnight...after a full 24 hours it was really nice to see a guy holding my name on the sign and my car ready to take me to the hotel!

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