Monday, June 1, 2009

Days 217-219 -- Koh Tao

So my last day in Bangkok didn't end up being my last day in Bangkok. Basically en route to the airport I decided I wasn't quite ready to leave SE Asia and had my flight changed to have an extra week in Thailand. Met some Americans at a nearby expat hangout who were cool enough to let me crash at their place for the night since I had an early flight to Koh Samui in the morning...back to the beaches! Really cool how hospitable they were considering they knew me for less than an hour...the beauty of travel! Anyways, got up the morning of the 27th about 4am after only a couple hours of sleep and caught my flight south. Arrived into Koh Samui and hopped on the ferry to Koh Tao where I ran into a couple of people from the Perhentian Islands who were headed to Koh Tao for some diving. Got into Koh Tao, Thailand's diving capital, and was surprised that the majority of the accomodation options were linked to dive shops and if you weren't diving you'd be paying a lot. Signed up to do some dives, but eventually cancelled after rough seas and low visibility made me skeptical about how it would go.

So more about Koh Tao...really nice island and I've heard many great things but unfortunately this wasnt the best season since the rainy season has begun. Came here since my friend Emily whom I met in South Africa was in Thailand for two weeks and I could run into them here before heading to Koh Phagnan for one last time!! It seems like everyone in Koh Tao was doing a dive course so in the day time, there wasn't much to do unless you were diving. Spent two nights there, had a good time, ran into my friends and one late night out! Spent the days lounging around at the beach and the pool enjoying the last few days of Thailand's islands. Not really much else to say though other than if you don't feel like diving, you're better off at what's coming next...

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