Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Days 61-64 -- Christmas in Johannesburg

Got into Johannesburg on the night of the 23rd and the group was staying at the Backpacker's Ritz. Been warned all along the drive down Africa that Jburg is a real dangerous place and that walking around in the city or just at night is insane...not so sure how I feel about that. Anyways, first night at the Ritz was good, we stayed up late and had a big night drinking cheap South African wine saying our goodbyes. It was a good feeling to be finally off the truck but difficult parting ways with everyone at the same time...thats why you got Facebook though! On Christmas Eve, I moved to the Hyatt Regency since after sleeping in a tent for a month, I felt like I deserved a comfortable bed and clean shower. Hotel was empty, but I enjoyed the quiet time and got caught up on much needed sleep. Christmas eve dinner was an ostrich steak at the bar solo but still incredible. First time eating ostrich and I will have it again. Woke up Christmas day and with my friend Darren from the truck we went to Lion Park just outside the city. Here you can get up close and play with lion cubs and possibly even feed them. We missed feeding time and they were asleep when we got there, but did get really close. Going to a place like this with animals in captivity didn't feel right though since I have seen them out in their natural habitat. I'm thinking going to a zoo will never be the same either. They even had some small areas holding different prides of lions so we took a drive and got some really cool pictures. After Lion Park it was back to the Hyatt where we took advantage of the free happy hour and had another awesome dinner. Did get to speak to the family at home and its probably the first time I really miss being at home...even contemplated looking at ticket costs home for a few days but the business center was closed. Merry Christmas everyone...next stop Cape Town!

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