Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Days 81-88 -- Hong Kong

14 hours after boarding a flight in Johannesburg I arrived in Hong Kong. Cleared through customs and made my way over to the my cousins' place where I crashed immediately in the guest room for almost a full day. So nice to have a real bed in my own room, real shower, hot water, free internet/laundry, everything I haven't really had for the past few months. Spent most of the week in Hong Kong catching up with everything...uploading pics, researching visas, planning a trip to Manila...and just enjoying being lazy. Checked out the nightlife almost every night and its still as good as I remember...even more expensive though. Got in some tourist activities by checking out the Peak and going to the beaches in Hong Kong. Met up with Eric Zegarra a couple of times who is doing a secondment here and even went to lunch with some of the local GT BAS people. Had some clothes altered since I've lost a little weight had some shirts made from my uncle who is in the tailoring business and the week in Hong Kong was finished....Next stop Manila!

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