Sunday, April 12, 2009

Days 170-171 -- Koh Phangan

So these days are kind of a blur...but I remember they couldn't have been any better. Woke up at about 11am and felt pretty good actually considering I went to sleep at 6:30am....The weather couldn't have been any nicer....not a cloud in the sky and the sun just beaming down on the water. If I thought the water was clear the past few it really showed. Had some breakfast at the guesthouse and then spent the majority of the afternoon on the beach soaking in the sun. Took it relatively easy that night and just hung out around the bungalows with the Australians and watched Behind Enemy Lines: Columbia that someone had picked up from the more Friends episodes!

Next day was a lot of the same....just enjoyed being so close to the beach and the nice weather. Had planned to go across the island to another beach we had heard about, but were feeling a little lazy so it never materialized. That night we went into town for some Mexican food we heard good things about and it helped with the long-standing craving I've been having. No rice, but beans and salsa along with chicken fajitas which were really tasty. Hung around Haad Rin for a while for some shopping and then back to Coral Bungalows for the pool party to see if they had my luck so we headed back home since it would be an early start tomorrow.

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