Thursday, April 23, 2009

Day 183 -- Singapore

So I'm finally all caught up. Today was pretty uneventful, but here is the run-down.

Jumped in a cab to the airport with Ben, an American guy who lived in Charlotte recently. Ben was around for Songkran in Bangkok and then I ran into him and his French Canadian friend in Koh Chang as well....seems like everyone is headed in the same direction. He was headed to Shangai while I was en route to Singapore. I had 4 packs of gum hidden pretty well in my bag so hopefully I don't get caught! Spent time wandering around the airport trying to spend the last of my Thai baht....ended up getting more food!

Got into Singapore, they didn't find the gum and jumped on the train towards Tina's apt. Tina is a family friend from NYC who lives in Singapore so it will be cool to have a local host. Singapore is an amazing city, a lot like Kuala Lumpur but a million times cleaner. Signs everywhere about no littering, no jaywalking or anything else that isn't in "order"....seems like this place might be a little to clean for me, but we'll see when we get out at night.

For those that don't know...I'm meeting up with my brother in Singapore tomorrow. He flew over from the States and we'll spend about 3 weeks traveling across Indonesia starting in Jakarta! Should be good to see a familiar face after a while...

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