Thursday, April 23, 2009

Days 177-182 -- Koh Chang

Haha...6 days lounging on the beach...let's try and give the highlights.

So after a long in Bangkok dodging ping pong balls we jumped on the bus/ferry to Koh Chang. About 5 hours on the bus (air-con not working) and then a hour ferry ride and we arrived. All of us (me, Mike, Derek) were exhausted from last night so we jumped into the first bungalow we found that could sleep the three of us. It ended up being right across from Ting Tong bar which would be our home for the next few some food and sat out on the deck overlooking the water before going back for a nap.

The first night was relatively quiet since we were all soo tired. Ting Tong, however wasn't so quiet...the only bar open 24 hours on Koh Chang and we decided to stay in the closest bungalow to too noisy to sleep. Up early, we moved down the road a little bit to Sunset Huts where Mike and Derek got an air-con bungalow and I moved a little further down to a single bungalow with fan. In 5 nights in Koh Chang I spent the night at 5 different places, bouncing from beach to room to bungalow to who knows least I got a chance to explore the place.

Koh Chang is probably my favorite beach soo far. The water is clear and at Lonely Beach you really dont see that many people....maybe thats why its called Lonely Beach. Compared to Samui, Langkawi or even Koh Phangan its very underdeveloped and it seems to really be only visited by travelers. In my 5 days here I ran into very few Thai people that were not local to the island and more importantly about 250+ Scandanavians....Scandanavians seem to have invaded Thailand's beaches thats for sure. Every night in Koh Chang there is a party and it moves depending on which night it was. Checked out a few good ones at Treehouse, Nature and Magic Garden and uploaded some pics of a cool fire show we saw. The sunsets here are incredible and after spending all day on the beach you feel like you can't leave until you've seen the sunset. Food was incredible (I wonder why?!?) and i feel like I gained a few kilos...good, I needed it!

So anyways, everyday was spent lounging on the beach all day eating food every few hours and then the nights were spent at the nightly party spot. The entire island comes together at about midnight and the party lasts until sunrise usually....a few days where I saw both sunrise and sunset but wish I had my camera!

It was back to Bangkok on the 22nd for my flight to Singapore on the 23rd. My ATM card finally arrived from the States so we can go back to traveling normally....

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