Friday, February 6, 2009

Day 107-108 -- Chiang Mai Flower Festival

Got done with the trekking and we decided to spend a few more days in Chiang Mai before heading to Pai. Not very much to see here...other than more Buddhist temples, but they are in the middle of their annual Flower Festival so thought that would be cool to check out. Spent the day taking care of loose ends...bus tickets, laundry, and then hit the Flower Festival in the evening. They had a Beauty Contest, actually 2 of with all Thai locals and the other with internationals. Anyways, one of the girls in the International contest was from our trekking group and she ended up winning the crazy is that?!? Had a big night out to celebrate and then hung around Chiang Mai for one more day to check out the night market. Had to buy a new backpack since the original one was showing some wear and I needed some extra space for the things I keep picking up. Chiang Mai was unexpectedly as a really fun place. Nice atmosphere and I think with the Flower Festival it made it an interesting place to be. They had really good sushi at 5 baht a roll...went on a binge one night with about 20 rolls and only set me back like $3 US....gotta love this place. Next stop...Pai!

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