Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Day 111 -- Pai to Chiang Mai

It was our last night and Pai and given our experience on the bus ride up here we knew to make it a quiet night. Went to a nearby bar from our guest house and sat around a campfire most of the night meeting people in the area...met 3 people from Texas who were all in different groups. That's the most Americans I think so far on this entire trip.

Anyways, slept innn this morning and got some breakfast before cruising around town for a little while before our 12:30 bus. Our driver was definitely trying to break the time record between Pai and Chiang Mai and was flying around the hills. I took a video that I'll try to upload so you guys have an idea of what I'm talking about. Sitting in the front seat at the back of the mini-bus I had the window open with the Ipod blasting to tune out the screams of the baby behind us. I've never heard a baby cry so loud and for so long...makes me think twice about children. Anyways, all of a sudden a hand comes from behind and throws out a bag full of spew....apparently somebody got sick during the ride! We made a stop and quickly figured out who it was as they dashed off to the bathroom. Local Thai person but you would think they'd be used to these roads.

Arrived in Chiang Mai late in the afternoon and got settled back into our guesthouse. Good value since we get our own room with hot shower for less than $6USD for the room. Taking the early bus to Laos tomorrow at 6:30 so it will be quiet night...Next stop - Gibbon Experience, Northern Laos!!! Looking forward to it...

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