Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Thailand Thoughts...

So I just wanted to share with you guys some thoughts about Thailand before I head into Laos tomorrow. Thailand is exactly what I remembered from last year...maybe even better! So I've seen more backpackers here than I ever anticipated and its hard to imagine how many people have chosen to explore this part of the world...I hear its only crazier south in the the islands. They say tourism is down about 40% this year so I could only dream of how many people used to be here...Anyways, everything has been really cheap here and I'm hoping it continues to get cheaper. I think this is the only place where a large beer (22 oz.) costs less (35 baht) more than a plate of fried rice or pad thai (30 baht). At 34.5 baht to the dollar you can see how far it goes. Mike and I have been getting our own rooms with twin beds and showers included for 200 baht for the room...unreal! I'm getting used to not sleeping in dorms and not having to lock up all my stuff all the time...won't last for long though.

About the Thai people...very friendly and they are welcoming to the tourists no matter what the news says about the political situation. I have felt really safe here even wandering around early hours of the morning back from the bars. There is a little bit of a language barrier which makes things challenging...but the Learn Thai podcasts have helped out and most that deal with the foreigners know basic English. Oh yeah, almost forgot....everything here is negotiable...from a cab ride to your guest house room. Never pay the price they ask or you'll get fleeced!

So in 15 days here I spent a little less than 18,000 baht. Sounds like a lot but converted to US its $515 USD. Thats a little over $34/day and that includes room/board, food, nightlife, small souveniers, bus/train tickets, cab/tuk-tuk rides...everything!! Oh yeah, a new backpack too. The mortgage payment alone at home comes close to $34/day so you can see why people choose to spend endless amounts of time here. Anyways, time is running out. I hope you want to come to Thailand sometime soon. I'll try to keep track of this for each country and let you know how it progresses...

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