Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Days 125-126 -- Don Det, Don Khon

Got into Don Det around lunch time on whatever day yesterday was and found a cool guesthouse. All the bungalows on the river were full so we each picked our own bungalows just off the river. Not bad, hammock out front, mosquito net and attached bathroom for 30,000 kip (3.50 USD). The heat here is unbelievable and its supposed to get even hotter in the coming months...not sure how these people live here. Electricity only runs from 6pm to 10:30pm so all afternoon everyone justs lounges around in the shade...not really much else you can do. Makes for a really chill place and interesting walking around at night with a head torch trying to find your bungalow and into your bags before sleep. We hired some bikes in the afternoon and headed to a small waterfall on the opposite island of Don Khon. Couldn't swim in this one...looked a little too dangerous. Headed back before sundown and relaxed around on the hammocks before heading into town to get some dinner. Called it an early night after a long day. Back at the bungalows a group of Israelis were playing cards so I joined them until the lights turned off at 10:30...time for bed.

No fans in the bungalows so it was really hot...its bearable, but it takes a little bit to get adjusted. Got up, had some breakfast and then moved over to a new bungalow down the road right on the water. Planned to go to the big waterfall and see the dolphins today but instead spent the last day in Laos being Laos enjoying the Mekong....laid in the hammock looking out over the river, watched tubers pass going down the never-ending lazy river, read some of the books, wrote in the journal, just hung out...definitely felt good to do nothing and I can see why the Laos people are so laid back...sleep when you want, work when you want, open/close when you want...not a bad life. Taking off on a bus in the morning to Phnom Penh, capital of Cambodia. Had planned to spend a few more days in Laos around the islands to kill off the kip but decided we gotta get out of this heat and plus we heard about firing AK-47s in Cambodia...sounds interesting! 12 hours left and 360,000 kip to spend...its going to be tough.

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