Monday, February 23, 2009

Days 123-124 -- Ventiene

So we woke up in Vang Vieng and both felt really more Indian food! Decided that we just needed to move and that if we were that bad off it would be better to be in the capital city, Ventiene rather than the tubing capital. As much fun as tubing was tough to leave. The bus ride was horrible....very cramped minivan and I had my knees at my chest the whole time....sure makes for an interesting experience though. The driver could hardly stay awake and at our rest stop the group of us forced him to get some coffee so he would stop dozing off....

We got into Ventiene and checked into the first guesthouse with a room...overpriced but comfortable. Checked the temperature and was running a high fever so stayed in and food brought to the guesthouse. Rice soup and Fried rice...didn't touch the fried rice and could barely eat the soup. Woke up in the morning feeling refreshed and went to the international clinic. Doctor gave me some local meds which taste like crap (apparently what I brough with me wasn't good enough or he just didn't know what it was)...the meds are working though so thats a positive. Spent the day rehydrating drinking lots of water and catching up on some diary writing since tubing was all day adventures. Booked a night bus to Pakse and then a connecting bus to Si Phan Doh, home of the 4,000 islands at the Laos/Cambodia border. I wonder how many we'll check out in our few days there.

Been trying to get these pics uploaded and will do it as soon as I find a computer that works!!

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