Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Days 118-119 -- Luang Prabang

Luang Prabang is one cool and laid back city. So last night we went out and everything started to shut down at 11pm. A little while later we were given plastic cups for our beers and then jumped in a tuk-tuk towards the bowling alley. Walked inside and its more like a night club than a bowling alley...music blasting, foreigners everywhere and beer. Luang Prabang, and from what I understand all of Laos has a midnight curfew...hard to believe and it feels like the 1980's. The bowling alley is the only place you can get a beer after everything closes so its naturally the best place to meet everyone. We bowled a few games and then headed back towards the guest house to get some rest.

Got up early the next morning (Day 118) and had some breakfast...good deal. 25,000 kip (3USD) gets you tea, OJ, 2 eggs, bacon, sausage, ham and a baguette...try getting that at home. After breakfast we rented bikes and then pedaled around for a couple of hours to see the city. Stopped into a few Buddhist temples, truly magnificent and then went to the Phousy Market. Probably one of the dirtiest markets I have ever been to...meat sitting out in the heat, fish floating aruond in dirty water, but I have to admit it all looked pretty good. Killed some time there and then back into the city for lunch with the crew from the slow boat. Time for sunset at a temple atop the hills overlooking Luang Prabang but after stopping for a fruit shake, we missed sunset by 5 minutes...ha! Took it easy that night since a long night before and spent the evening wandering around the night market and eating noodle soup from a street stall...good day!

Early start today (Day 119) and same breakfast again...too cheap to not go back. Hired a tuk-tuk and the group went to the waterfall. Waterfall was amazing and hiked up to the top to look over the edge and found a pool with a rope swing off a tree that provided some entertainment. Back into town for lunch and now its time to see if we go to the night markets or bowling again...not really much else to do at night here, but I am still liking Luang Prabang and Laos. The people are really laid back and you basically have to force them to sell you things since half the time they are asleep...much cooler than the hassling in Bangkok.

Had a scare with the camera since the memory card got corrupted. Was able to restore the pics but dont trust the computers here so I will get everything uploaded in Vang Vieng. Taking off on a bus for Vang Vieng at 8AM. Did somebody say tubing...

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