Monday, March 2, 2009

Day 131 -- Angkor Wat and surrounding temples

Tuk-tuk driver was waiting for us at 7AM in the lobby of the guesthouse...we wanted to get an early start, but not so early to catch sunrise since its been cloudy the past few days. Saw rain yesterday for the first time since I've been in SE Asia which was pretty crazy. The rainy season is approaching in the coming months and you can see all the locals getting prepared. We made the 15km ride in abuot 30 minutes and had arrived @ Angkor Wat at 8:30AM....Angkor Wat is I think the 8th wonder of the world and after a few minutes walking around there is no doubt why. The place is truly massive and it makes you wonder how they built something like this centuries ago. We were hungry so had breakfast at a nearby cafe admiring the temple and then we made our way to some nearby temples. Stopped into Bayon which was really cool b/c it had over 200 faces carved all matter where you were in the temple you felt like you were being watched over by the Gods. Stopped into Tah Phrom which is the one made famous by Tomb Raider and Indiana Jones I think and walking around you could clearly see its popularity...lot of tripods set up, kids selling souveniers, and just overall commercialized. Anyways, it was still a really nice temple, but its unfortunate what the fame has done to its ambience. Over the course of the day we hit about 10 temples and by the end of it we were templed out. Headed back to the guesthouse to get away from the heat and planning to get some pizza for dinner. Headed either to Vietnam or the Cambodian beaches tomorrow...really need to make up my mind!

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