Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Days 139-140 -- Nha Trang

Got into Nha Trang at about 6AM so we had the entire day to explore. The bus ride was good and surprisingly on time! Since I've officially extended my trip through the end of June I have a little more time in SE Asia than Mike so we have to split up while he goes to check out Indonesia. I plan to check it out later in my trip when I can devote a few weeks to the entire country. We'll meet up again in Kuala Lumpur in about 2 weeks and then make our way up through southern Thailand for the full moon party!

Anyways, after finding myself a room right across the street from the beach for $8 which included air-con and hot water we hit to the streets. I've got until the 23rd in Vietnam and with only a few cities left to explore I decided here would be a good place to get my PADI certification. Found a dive shop with a course starting that day so I signed up. Spent the first day watching DVD's, taking some quizzes and then headed back to the room to do some reading. Its been a long time since I've had to study and take tests so it took a while to get back into the routine...this was at least somewhat interesting. Called it an early night since I had to get up early for the confined water dives in the pool.

Spent most of today in the water at the swimming pool. Learned all about the basics of scuba, never breathe underwater, etc, etc. Really interesting stuff! Half way to PADI certification and then I should finally get a chance to check out the famous nightlife of this beach town since I won't have to study anymore! Check back in once I'm done with the course.

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