Sunday, March 22, 2009

Day 150 -- Hanoi (Snake Village)

Woke up feeling a little more refreshed than the previous day since we were allowed to sleep until 8am this time. Had some breakfast on the roof and then jumped on the bus back to the harbor to board the boat. Boat ride back was good, weather had cleared up and really got a good chance to see the bay area since we went around the island once. Stopped to do some swimming which really woke you up when you hit the water (cold!!) and made that headache disappear instantly. Finally made it back to the harbor after a few hours sailing around and made the tough 3 hour journey back to Hanoi. Everyone was pretty much done for and the ride back was quiet since we all crashed. Once back, a group of us craving some grease hit KFC for a snack. Soo many KFC's in Vietnam, but no McDonald's...pretty surprising!

Relaxed around the hostel for a few hours and had planned to make it a slow night, but James an English guy from the boat was leaving in the morning (end of his trip) and wanted to hit the Snake Village on his last night. We needed at least 6 to make the trip so we recruited 3 Danish girls who were sitting outside the hostel. Convinced Blair a Canadian guy from the boat who said he was tired and then we were set. Paid the $15 and Jessica from the hostel accompanied us out to Snake Village. About thirty minutes later we arrived and let me tell you...what an adventure. Ended up having 2 Alaskan girls join at the last minute so we had a good crew. As soon as we got there we got to hold this massive 8ft. snake...had no idea they were soo strong. Headed to our table where we watched them kill a couple of snakes and fill up some cups with blood and put the hearts in the shot glasses. So basically we all took shots of snake blood with the heart followed by a shot of snake bile. Didn't taste nearly as bad as I expected...but gave you a quick buzz nonetheless. Had a couple of beers and then dinner was served...all snake based. Started with snake soup, followed by snake spring rolls, ribs, skin, intestines, sauteed meat, and anything else they could figure out how to cook. Tasted a lot like chicken and it was just something you have to do while in SE Asia but certainly wouldnt do it again. After dinner we had unlimited snake wine which we took advantage of...maybe too much advantage. Snake somehow is really strong and when mixed with alcohol gives you a crazy buzz. About 4 hours later we were all pretty smashed and we made our way back into town. Everybody went to bed, but I met up with some people headed to a club near the lake which wasn't the best idea. Ran into the Irish guys from our tour there and they kept me there until the sun came up and as I entered the dorm room James was leaving to catch his flight...Irish people can drink let me tell you!

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