Saturday, March 7, 2009

Days 134-135 -- Sihanoukville to Saigon

Day 2 at the beach was pretty relaxed. Spent most of the day at Khin's lounge relaxing on some beach chairs enjoying the sun. I got into the Kite Runner and finished off most of it that afternoon. It helped since it was a cloudy day so we didn't get killed by the rays sitting out there all day. There are A LOT of people that bother you while you're relaxing trying to sell things (bracelets, books, massages, etc.) and it got annoying after a while. I heard if you moved away from Serendepity beach down to Otres you'd get away from alot of that...but most of the people were at Serendepity so we decided to stay there. Ate some famous Cambodian pizzas and hung out at the Dolphin Shack that evening...barracuda barbecue dinner for $3USD...unreal! We ended up moving to a nicer place near the water. Bigger room, smaller price tag...funny how that works. The Cambodian coast was one of the best places I've hit so far! If I got some time before I take off from SE Asia I think I'll come back. Booked our bus tickets to Saigon and the next morning we were off.

Spent the entire day traveling...left SNV at 8AM and got into Saigon at 8:30PM. The Vietnam border crossing was the strictest one (outside of Israel) that I've had to go through yet...they made us open bags, x-ray them, all sorts of procedures...and passport checks like you wouldn't believe. Luckily we got our visa before we got here so it made the process relatively easy. Once in Saigon we had no reservation and most places were full in the backpacker area so we decided to splurge on a room with air-con. Really nice room in city center for $18USD. Its the most we've spent so far on a room, but well worth it since I had one of the best nights sleep I had in a while as well as a hot shower....who knows how long its been since the last one. Oh yeah, killed the book Rules of Prey in 1 day...its a must read!

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