Saturday, March 28, 2009

Day 157 -- Langkawi

Got up early this morning since we wanted to move out of our bug-infested bungalow even though it was bigger than my apt. at home. Moved down the street, just opposite the beach and got a place that was cleaner, cheaper and even had AC. Decided to explore the island so hopped in the car and hit up the Oriental Village and Cable Car for a ride up to the top of the island...view was amazing but after a while a storm rolled in so visibility turned bad. We were so high though that we were right in the midsts of the clouds/storm so that was a first for me...check the pics when I get them up, crazy! We took off to the other side of the island for lunch and followed it by a visit to a local waterfall. Tough trek up the steps in the heat but once at the top it was well worth...looking down over Langkawi. After that we took a tour of the beaches, Tanjun Rhu and Black Sands. Tanjun Rhu was one of the biggest beaches I've ever seen with white sand and in the distance you could see lots of the neighboring islands. Black Sands beach was exactly as the name sounds...a little smaller but lots of black sandy area from the erosion of nearby granite I think....nice nonetheless. It was getting late and we wanted to get back to our hotel and hit our beach which we still hadn't done. Got out there about 5pm and was able to hang around at Babylon Cafe for a couple of hours. Scored some free beach chairs from a group of girls staying at our hotel. For dinner we went back to Babylon for a beach barbeque...kebabs, satay, garlic bread...all very tasty and cheaper than the Mexican food.

Back to the hotel, we opened the bottle of rum we got from duty free and played Chinese Big 2 taking shots at each loss. Mike drank too much too quickly so he passed out and I hit the town on my own. Stopped back into Babylon b/c some people from the hotel said they would be hanging out there....didn't find them but met an American living in the area as well as two Turkish girls in Langkawi on holiday. After Babylon closed shortly after midnight we moved to Sunbar for some live music. Good crowd and was talking with a group of Iranians who kept saying we were enemies...they seeemed to take the political stuff pretty seriously but by the end of the night I think I changed their views of Americans! Made it back to the guesthouse pretty late and was real tired so crashed as soon as my head hit the pillow!

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