Saturday, March 28, 2009

Day 155 -- Kuala Lumpur

Planned to meet up with Mike at 8AM but that got messed up since I ended up having a late night and he did as well. After he took off back to his hostel I stuck around hanging out with the people at mine and then when it closed we went for food and before you knew it was 3AM...similar thing happened to him...haha! Anyways, we met at 10:30 and I was still half-asleep...he took off to get some tickets for the Skybridge since he hadn't seen it and then we planned to meet up to go to the caves. He got back at noon with tickets for 6:15pm and also had met up with some girls from his hostel who were going to the caves...we all met at Central Market where the bus leaves from to head that way. The girls ended up being from NC and one Sarah, actually will be living in Durham when she gets back from her travels...small world! Made it to the caves which were pretty impressive...293 steps to the top and a massive Hindhu statue at the entryway. Inside the caves were various shrines devoted to Hindhu gods and the colors were fascinating. Wandered around for a little while and then made our way we did it looked like it was going to pour and luckily we jumped on the bus back to Chinatown just as the rain started. Got off the bus and took shelter in Central Market...I showed the girls the foot fish treatment and they gave it a try...I went for Round 2 and surprisingly there was still more dead skin to be eaten...the fish were all over me! I felt pretty embarassed but I guess after more than 5 months of backpacking wearing sandals all the time my feet have a lot of dead skin. Feeling refreshed we got some food and then separated as they had a 5pm Skybridge time. Mike and I headed to the Petronas mall and spent some time in the AC admiring the beauty of this place...Never seen a mall quite this nice! We got up to the Skybridge and it was a smaller group than when I went with Cameron but it had rained so the views weren't as good. Headed back to Chinatown for dinner and then met up at Mike's hostel for a few drinks before heading to a nearby rooftop bar...lots of rooftop bars, but no cheap beers unfortunately! At the end of the night we made it back to Reggae Bar until close to closing....not a good idea since we have a morning flight to Langkawi, Malaysia beach near the Thai border...

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