Sunday, March 8, 2009

Days 136-137 -- Saigon aka Ho Chi Minh City

So lets talk about this rainy season...We decided to head north when we got into Bangkok b/c all the books said it was the best route and you can avoid the rainy season. Good news is we avoided the majority of it...but I think we arrived in Vietnam just as the season is getting underway. Anyways, we got in 2 nights ago and splurged on a room with sleep we've had in a while. We spent the first day in Saigon wandering around the town. After stopping by a Hindhu temple the rain started to come down so we found shelter inside a large indoor market. We thought it would pass so killed a couple of hours inside the market but the rain never passed. In fact the market started to flood (ankle deep in most areas) so we had to leave there. We took off in the rain back towards our guesthouse and made a pit stop in KFC to dry off some...never thought I would say this, but KFC was actually really good. I guess there is a comfort in knowing what you're getting when you order it. Rain slowed down so we got back to the guesthouse and enjoyed the AC and watched some TV for a few hours. After some internet time, I got a haircut, face shave and massage for 70,000 dong ($5USD)...pretty good deal. They kept trying to sell me a full body massage and I have suspicions that this place was wanting to do more than just a massage...what does happy ending mean?!?!? haha! Didn't upgrade for obvious reasons and that evening we went to an Asian Kitchen for dinner and had some Vietnamese spicy chicken curry which was amazing. Mike had the Vietnamese bbq which was tasty as well. Back at the room we watched National Treasure and were out for the night.

This morning we got up to the sound of a parade on the streets below. Larium is still messing with my head so at first the drum noise was integrated into my dream and then when I woke up I realized it was real. Got ready and hit to the streets. We stopped into the Notre Dame Cathedral, Post Office (unbelievable!), Reunification Palace and War Remnants Museum. Walking around we saw this motorcycle carrying a mattress which was impressive. At the museum I learned more about the war than I think in all my years in school. From what I recall they didn't teach us much about the Vietnam war when I was in school so it was interesting to see everything that went on especially from the Vietnamese perspective. What I saw wasn't pretty and I'm surprised they let Americans even visit this country. We stopped into the Diamond Market to get away from the heat and spotted a Pizza Hut...sad to say thats where we'll be going for dinner. After 6+ weeks in SE Asia the rice dishes are getting old and we have been craving a real pizza for a long time now!! They even had bowling and an arcade room so I think we'll spend lots of time there tonight...

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