Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Day 20 - Aswan

Night train to Aswan was comfortable...they served two meals and nobody ever showed up to share my sleeper cabin so I had it all to myself. Train runs parallel to the Nile so the views over the journey was awesome. Egypt really has two sides to it with lots of desert and then rich vegetation along the Nile. Big tour group on my car which included a really nice couple from South Africa who were my neighbors. We spent about 2 hours talking about what all I should do when I get down there and they gave me their number to call and invited me over for Christmas since thats when I'm in Johannesburg. How friendly is that?

Anyways, night train arrived three hours late and I wasn't sure if the local contact would still be waiting for me. Hopped off the train and there he was holding a sign with my name. Egypt is full of touts and I'm glad the hostel organized people to meet me everywhere b/c otherwise I'd be getting hassled every other step. He walked me to the hotel where I checked in and found a nearby internet cafe to get caught up on uploading pictures. Headed out at about 1:30 to see the High Dam, Philae and drive around Aswan. The High Dam was built in the 70s and helped Egypt overcome the annual flooding of the Nile that made farming quite difficult. Next stop...Philae temple which was actually moved from its original location (now underwater) to the site where I saw it. If they hadn't told me that....I don't think I would have noticed. I had a private tour for both sites so the hostel is getting points for setting up a good trip. Tonight I plan to take it easy b/c need to be up at 3AM to catch the police convoy to Abu Simbel...apparently all cars going south need police escort, but I still feel safe everywhere...maybe its b/c i look egyptian!

BTW -- All pics have been uploaded!

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