Friday, November 14, 2008

Day 22 -- Komombo, Edfu and Luxor

Sleeping on the felucca was pretty easy...not sure if it was the beers or the perfect breeze over the water...either way, got eaten up by some mosquitos on my shoulder...not sure how since i slept in a hooded sweatshirt. Anyways...we had to sail across the Nile so I could get off and join the bus for my trek to Komombo, Edfu and Luxor. We went to the drop-off point and what do you know...Will, Maxi, and Phillip are on the felucca next door dropping off one of their passengers...I wonder how many other people I'll run into again along this trip. The retired couple offboards too and the couple from the other boat were from Chapel Hill, Thayne (sp?) and Kendall who have been travelling for about 4 months. How crazy is that?!? First time for either of us that we met another person from NC. They've done a lot of SE Asia that I will be doing later so I got some good tips.

Back in a small van part of a convoy we made stops at temples at Komombo and Edfu. Egyptians are notorious for having their hands in your pockets and seeing these temples are not cheap. I'd say the average is about $12-15 US for entry into any one of these sights...pretty steep. Temples were good to see, but at the end they all start feeling the same....carvings on the walls, long hallways with rich colors, huge get gist. The convoy stopped in Luxor and the hotel had lost my reservation so I moved next door to a nicer property. Quick dip in the rooftop pool and had to join a 3pm group to visit the Karnak and Luxor temples. I'll save you the experience and just say that I think I'm pretty 'ruin'ed out and ready to relax. It doesn't help that the people here don't do the best job on maintenance so I'd be surprised if a lot of is gone in 50 years. It took me an hour walking to find this internet cafe and walked by some good street meats stands so I know what I'm eating for dinner. Won't get to the pictures b/c this connection is so slow, but the 4 year old kid next to me is playing Grand Theft Auto and he's pretty good...only in Egypt!

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