Sunday, November 2, 2008

Days 9 and 10 - Jordan

Welcome to Jordan!! What a beautiful country full of friendly people and amazing food...for the most part. Got into Amman airport about 4pm Saturday, cleared customs and hopped in a cab to the hotel in Madaba, the meeting point for the 1 week tour I signed up for. Unfortunately it was a new hotel with no sign after an hour in the cab circling the city getting cursed at in Arabic by the cab driver whop claims this place doesn't exist...I finally arrived. Nice property with welcoming staff who explained that I'm only the second guest to stay there...that explains why there is no sign. Walked around the city and got an amazing chicken dinner at a local place that only cost $4 can see the meal in the pics (Carlsberg beer not pictured). Crashed early b/c we had an 8AM departure meeting.

Met the rest of the tour group early this morning. I'm definitely the youngest within the group by about 10 years but no big deal...they're all from England, very nice and we speak the same language. Started the day off with a tour of Jerash, ancient city dating back about 2,000 years. Amazing to walk around and see how they built these cities with no cranes, electricity, computers and other things we take for granted nowadays. Anyways, had a good lunch and then we headed to the Dead Sea, the saltiest body of water on the planet. Put on the boardshorts and jumped in and floated for an hour. Literally floated on the water with no effort whatsoever, it was unbelievable!! Rinsed off and watched an amazing sunset and then we were back on our way to the hotel. Only the first day of the tour and I feel its already paid for itself so I'm excited to see what else is on the agenda. Early start tomorrow so I'm taking it easy tonight after a big dinner...Hopefully the internet is fast enough to let me upload the pics.

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