Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Day 27 - Cairo (Museum and Markets)

So my last night in Dahab was pretty memorable. Met some really cool people and one guy David from Canada will actually be traveling solo through SE Asia at the exact time and we have the same plan but nothing figured out...we plan to stay in touch and hopefully trek it together. Anyways, a group of us went out dinner at Sakkara, waterfront restaurant near our hotel. The host told us about some good off the menu specials...I got the barracuda which was about $13 USD...pretty steep for Egypt, but the fish was amazing. White meat, light, and extremely tasty...i certainly will order it again if I see it elsewhere. We put down a few Stellas and shared some sheesha and it was time for my bus. As soon as I got on the bus, I was out...i guess lack of sleep for 2 days will do that. Nobody woke me up to check my ticket/passport, but I don't know if they tried and I didn't respond. Got into Cairo at 6:15AM, jumped in a cab to the hostel to drop off my stuff and take a nap before hitting the Egyptian museum. Wandered around in there for 2-3 hours...the best and worst museum I've ever been to. Best because there is sooo much stuff to see, worst b/c they take no care of the history, allowing you touch the statues, tombs, etc. and nothing seems to be labeled so you can only guess what you are looking at. They had a King Tut exhibit which was fascinating...he had everything in his tomb made out of gold, from the chairs, stools, even the nails that sealed boxes...unbelievable! After taking in a ton of ancient history, I made my way back to the hostel, picked up some street food and waited for some other guests to get ready to hit the markets. The markets in Cairo require extensive negotiation and I felt like I got pretty good deals....Starting price of 450 pounds, I paid 35 guy threatened to kill me in a joking way b/c he said i made him lose money...i doubt he would have sold it to me if he did. Anyways, picked up some cool stuff, including a sheesha pipe so everyone can see what its all about when I get back! Made it back to the hostel, had dinner and went out to a local coffeshop to wrap up the evening since it was an early 8AM flight on Thursday...

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